Zimem Book; The credit book, as it is known today, refers to the prospective debting of the buyer by noting the goods purchased by the seller. The Zimem Notebook, the elegant way of competing in charity and helping each other, where the hand that receives does not know the hand that gives; It is kept alive by MUSIAD members. In the Ottoman Empire, wealthy people would buy zimem notebooks by paying all the debts written in them. The Zimem Notebook application was restarted with the initiatives of Nail Olpak, the 5th President of MUSIAD, and the favor of our members. The Zimem Notebook application, which started only for the month of Ramadan, was no longer exclusive to a month, with the call of Abdurrahman Kaan, the 6th term President of MUSIAD, to our members and wealthy people to continue this precious tradition for 12 months of the year. One of the points that makes the application special is that the debtor and the person who pays the debt do not see or know each other, faithful to the hadith “the left hand will not see what the right hand gives”. Contributing to the continuity of this beautiful tradition today, and being aware of the existing need, not only makes us proud as MUSIAD, but also strengthens our hope in terms of keeping the spirit of cooperation alive.