Erdemli Hayat is a project realized within the body of UTESAV, and it constitutes the main roof of UTESAV where social and cultural activities are carried out. This project aims to place the concept of "virtue", which is the highest level of moral standards, at the center of human life and to make the virtuous life motto a basic reference source among business people. Believing that the trivets of a civilization are based on virtue and virtue, UTESAV carries out various activities within the scope of the project for the dissemination of goodness and goodness, based on the principle of emr-i bi'l ma'ruf and nehy-i ani'l munkar. At the beginning of these activities are the Qur'an Meetings classes, which started in 2012 and are still continuing. We strive to reach the knowledge that will make our lives meaningful in the lessons started with the aim of not forgetting that the hadith-i sharif "To learn knowledge is obligatory from the cradle to the grave" is kept alive and that we are students in this world regardless of our title. In order for more people to benefit from these lessons, live broadcasts are made every week on the Erdemli Hayat youtube page.Another activity within the scope of the project is the Virtuous Businessman School trainings. Islam has considered working for "halal sustenance" as a form of worship, and for this purpose, it has characterized economic activity as an element of social welfare, an indispensable part of life and a manifestation of personal virtue. For the healthy development of social life, it is a necessity to highlight the virtuous human model in business life. In this context, ethical rules are needed for a successful and healthy business life.The Virtuous Businessman School, which was brought to life by UTESAV at the end of 2017, consists of a chain of trainings aiming to evaluate business and shopping ethics, the best examples of which are in our tradition, within the framework of today's needs, by bringing our businessmen, who are personally faced with the problems in life, with our competent scientists.In the trainings we have carried out in line with these purposes, the MUSIAD Spirit with the content of why MUSIAD was established and what is in its founding codes; Interest-Free Financial Transactions, in which we deal with the Islamic finance model, which is increasingly accepted by other countries as well as Muslim countries in the world and prioritizes social justice; Karz-ı Hasen, which was transformed into a chest within the body of MUSIAD and described as a "good debt" in the Qur'an; Business Ethics, which will accelerate the moral status in various relations in business life; Partnership Culture, which is an issue that MUSIAD always prioritizes, in which the basic elements of the successful continuation of the partnership are evaluated, and the Virtuous Businessman Model, which prioritizes the Muslim businessman to take action with the awareness of his responsibilities towards his business partners, and many other issues related to the needs of businessmen are included.
Erdemli Hayat UTESAV bünyesinde hayata geçirilen bir proje olup, UTESAV’ın sosyal ve kültürel faaliyetlerin yürütüldüğü ana çatısını oluşturmaktadır. Bu proje ahlaki standartların bir üst seviyesi olan “erdem” kavramını insan hayatının merkezine konumlandırmayı ve erdemli hayat düsturunu iş insanları içerisinde temel bir referans kaynağı haline getirmeyi hedeflemektedir. Bir medeniyetin sacayaklarının fazilet ve erdem üzerine kurulu olduğuna inanan UTESAV, emr-i bi’l ma’ruf ve nehy-i ani’l münker prensibinden hareketle iyiliğin ve iyi olanın yaygınlaştırılması için proje kapsamında çeşitli faaliyetler yürütmektedir. Bu faaliyetlerin başında 2012 yılında başlayan ve halen devam etmekte olan Kur’an Buluşmaları dersleri gelmektedir. “İlim öğrenmek, beşikten mezara kadar farzdır” hadis-i şerifinin yaşatıldığını ve unvanımız ne olursa olsun bu dünyada birer öğrenci olduğumuzu unutmamak gayesiyle başlatılan derslerde, hayatımızı anlamlı kılacak ilme ulaşma gayreti içerisindeyiz. Yapılan bu derslerden daha çok kişinin istifade edebilmesi için, Erdemli Hayat youtube sayfasından her hafta canlı yayın gerçekleştirilmektedir.