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I was born in Trabzon in 1973, am a devoted family man, married, and father of three wonderful children. An accomplished engineer with a rich and diverse career spanning several decades, my journey in the professional world reflects a deep commitment to conCnuous learning, service, and leadership. My professional journey began at a young age in Istanbul Cagaloglu during my middle school years. Witnessing the advent of computers, I found myself typing numbers for a printer company, marking the incepCon of my technological exploraCon. Subsequently, I served the Turkish government as an engineer for almost nine years, training to government employees in MicrosoK Windows, Office, and various technical skills. Beyond my official duCes, I took on the responsibility of educaCng student drivers on engines, road signs, and more during evenings and weekends. In the year 2000, the State of North Carolina University extended an invitaCon for me to pursue a Master's degree. OpCng for UNCG instead, I engaged in an immersive language program and earned a Master's in InformaCon Systems from Strayer University's Raleigh Campus upon compleCon. This educaConal journey equipped me with proficiency in VB, SQL, Oracle, and other essenCal systems. In 2007, I transiConed to the private sector in Istanbul, focusing on network and low-level computer tasks. Achieving numerous MicrosoK cerCficaCons over the years, I conCnually expanded my technical experCse. Subsequently, I assumed the role of Technical Manager at Pegasus Security Systems, where I leaded projects involving RFID systems, smart technology, and security soluCons for government enCCes such as the army and police department, museums, and the implementaCon of the NaConal Turkish ID cards and passports. Concurrently, since 2003, I have been an owner of a private company, demonstraCng my entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to business leadership. Beyond my professional pursuits, I have consistently dedicated my Cme to non-profit organizaCons, volunteering during Cmes of disaster, donaCng food, and distribuCng essenCal supplies to those in need. AddiConally, I acCvely parCcipate in community events, organizing breakfasts and picnics for Turkish students and families in Triangle Area, and serving as a board member at local mosques. In summary, my journey as an engineer and entrepreneur has been characterized by resilience, a thirst for knowledge, and a deep sense of community service.